Blockchain Technology
What is Blockchain Technology?
As the name indicates, Blockchain technology is a chain of blocks wherein each block contains data. It was developed to timestamp digital documents so that they cannot be backdated or tampered with to prevent fraud. The data in the blockchain is stored in batches. Each batch is called a block, linked chronologically in a chain-like manner hence, the name Blockchain technology. If you were to change data on one of the blocks, you will have to create a new block and record the changes there, as X changed to Y at a particular date and time, meaning that you cannot alter the contents of the block once you have created it.
Here at Deltasoft, we help enterprises leverage the decentralized network, building solutions on blockchain and introducing them with a whole new level of transparency, efficiency, and automation into their business processes.
So, what are we waiting for?. Let’s get started
Our approach to building Blockchain-based solutions is unique, find our offerings below
Here are some unique set of benefits Deltasoft Technology offers.
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Our Blockchain technology expertise
OpenZeppelin is a mix of security products for building, automating, and operating decentralized applications. OpenZeppelin also performs security audits.
OpenSeaJS is a JavaScript library to build a crypto native eCommerce platform/marketplace for buying, selling, and bidding of any crypto assets.
Minty is a marketplace where you can buy, sell, and discover unique art pieces from vetted artists. You can create private collections, accessible to patrons only.
It is used to fetch metadata from any non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides diverse ways of retrieving data.
P5.js is another JavaScript Library for the purpose of creative coding. It makes coding accessible and inclusive to artists, creators, educators, etc.
All the transaction history and token metadata are publicly verifiable on Ethereum which makes it easier to prove ownership history. All Ethereum products share the common backend.
Flow is a rapid, decentralized blockchain created for a new generation of digital assets, apps, and games. The platform is hugely used to create both the NFT marketplace and NFTs.
Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform for creating applications and assets. Tezos uses a pre-compiled FA2 NFT contract written in LIGO smart contract language.
Cardano is a blockchain platform that provides unmatched security and sustainability to decentralized systems and applications with its technologies and tools.
Hyperledger is a global blockchain, an enterprise-level platform that provides crucial frameworks, standards, guidelines, and tools needed to build an open-source blockchain.
IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to store media content in a decentralized way. As the media file related to NFTs cannot be stored directly on the blockchain, IPFS can store all that data.
Filecoin is a decentralized storage network designed for storing essential information. The storage platform includes everything that is required to get started with decentralized storage for NFTs.
Pinata is a popular platform to upload and manage files on IPFS. It is highly secure, has the ability and various features that make verification of NFTs a seamless process.
Swarm is decentralized storage and communications platform created by a system of peer-to-peer network nodes. Swarm is an economically self-sustaining platform because of its incentive system. is a Python library for interacting with Ethereum. It is used for sending transactions, interacting with smart contracts, and reading block data.
web3.jS is a collection of libraries that enables interaction with a local or remote Ethereum node using HTTP, IPC, or WebSocket.
Vue.js is an open-source model–view–view model front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications
React is a free and open-source library for front-end JavaScript used for building user-interface. It is mostly used as a base in the creation of single-page or mobile applications.
Angular is another free and open-source web application framework. This platform is used in building mobile, desktop, and web applications.
Harvey is an industrial Greybox fuzzer for smart contracts. It uses a lightweight test-generation approach that effectively detects bugs and vulnerabilities.
Mythril is another such tool designed to detect bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, and other EVM compatible blockchains.
Scribble is a tool used for writing smart contracts with specifications and conditions. It defines a domain-specific language for writing smart contracts attributes.
Slither is a bug detection tool that enables developers to find vulnerabilities in their solidity smart contracts. It is also used for code optimization.
Remix IDE is a tool used for developing, deploying, and administering smart contracts on various blockchain platforms like Ethereum.