
What is Logstash?

Logstash is one of the components of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Logstash is a data parsing tool that ingests data from many sources and transforms it and sends it to a stash of your choice.

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Our Elastic stack service is very cost-effective so that you can save time, money and get access to the latest technologies. Let’s get started


Our comprehensive set of Logstash Services include the following services

  • Centralize all of your data

    With the help of Logstash, you can quickly transform, stash and also centralize your data. It is an open-source server-side data processing pipeline that will take up data from many sources and send it to a stash of your choice.

  • Transforming and parsing your data

    Logstash helps the data to travel from source to store. It will filter each event and identify the named fields to build a structure and transform them into a standard format for high-level analysis.

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    Logstash is open source and used in any environment or stack

    A lot of the big data world involves connecting multiple tools and services to consolidate information. Logstash can grab information from various resources and store them in a centralized location where it can be retrieved, manipulated using plugins, and analyzed using tools like Kibana.

  • To collect and store log files and to parse and make them searchable

    The Logstash program is an open-source and versatile tool used to collect, parse and store logs. It can be beneficial for storing and organizing records and making them easier to search and analyze.

  • Plugins to customize the pipeline

    Logstash has a bunch of plugins that are used to customize the pipeline. They allow the user to extend the functionality of the program to meet their specific needs. You can build multiple channels, which can be used to funnel data into one pipeline.

  • Scalable for vast amounts of data

    Since Logstash is scalable, you can use it in many different ways, both in development and production. Logstash can be used to monitor web servers, collect web server logs, filter Syslog messages, archive logs for compliance purposes, ship data to a centralized server, etc.


Our unique set of benefits are as follows

  • Flexible and affordable

    Deltasoft’s Logstash service for ELK provides the best log management solution for all businesses. We offer this service on five different cloud providers, so you can choose the one that works best for your needs. Our Logstash is flexible and affordable for your needs.

  • Tailored to suit your needs

    We consult with you to understand your requirements and offer custom solutions to your problems. At Deltasoft, We build and maintain solutions for you rather than just implementing a scripted software solution. We provide flexible pricing and payment options that best suit your budget and business needs.

  • Easy to scale

    At Deltasoft, we enable you to use a cloud-based Logstash service for your ELK stack deployment to help you scale your infrastructure, have it fully operational in under a minute and enjoy a highly available and scalable solution.

  • Don’t worry about the security of your data.

    Data security is a critical feature in Logstash. Here at Deltasoft, we have been working hard to help our clients as they grow. With Logstash as a service, we assure you that your data is as safe as it can be with the ELK stack.

  • Dedicated Team of Expert Analysts and developers

    Deltasoft has a dedicated team of log analysts and developers with vast experience in helping our clients. We have a wide range of knowledge, from years of experience with the ELK stack to a team of system administrators. It allows us to guarantee a safer experience for our clients when it comes to IT.

With us, you’ll get the support you need to get your application built. Contact us today for more information!