Amazon Web services (AWS) cloud provides a secure, virtual environment to deploy their applications. As compared to an on-premise deployment, AWS users can deploy their applications more securely and at a very ...
The React app development market is rapidly expanding. A few tools are required to continue to improve this language and make coding easier and faster. The react tools provide a plethora of options for selectin...
Hadoop is the Apache-based open-source Framework written in Java. It is one of the famous Big Data tools that provides the feature of Distributed Storage using its file system HDFS (Had...
Cloud computing is a system that maintains data and applications via the internet and central remote servers. These top trends in cloud computing can help consumers and companies to&nbs...
In 2012 Mark Zuckerberg stated, “The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML as opposed to native.” Using HTML5 for Facebook’s mobile version resu...